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Version 5.0.0 - Improved Plugin commands
Version 5.0.0 is not compatible with my plugins that are below the 5.0.0 versions. Version 5.0.0 - 02/05/2022 [MV] Changed plugin commands to be easier to move...
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08/26/2021 - Update!
Version 2.1.0 - 08/21/2021 - Added temporary patch to work with Eli Book 4.0.0...
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Version 2.0.0
- Adapted to work with Eli Book 3.0.0...
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A RPG Maker plugin that let's you move your choice window!
Version 1.1.1
Version 1.1.1 - 12/05/2020 - Applied some fixes to the choice positions when the system ui width & height is less than the system screen height & width...
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Version 1.1.0 - 11/25/2020 - Added ease movement! - Remove the enable plugin command, now it is automaticaly handled. - Add a new plugin command to show the cho...
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Released MZ Version!
Hi makers! Ported my MV Move choice plugin to MZ! And it got incredible simple with the new plugin commands! Take a look!...
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Version 1.7!
Version 1.7 - 08/22/2020 - Code restructuring. Versão 1.7 - 22/08/2020 - Reestruturação do código...
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Version 1.6!
Version 1.6 - 07/28/2020 - Add a parameter to enable/disable the plugin. - Removed the switch from plugin commands. Versão 1.6 - 28/07/2020 - Adicionado um par...
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