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Hi there! Amazing plugin :-) do you have something similar for bust animation?

Hi there!

You may be able to reproduce a bust system with my Face Window plugin. It basically let you show the text face image anywhere on the screen.

But you can choose to not show the window around the face. And also combined with this one for animated images.

Hi there, I was wondering if there is any way to set a different start index for the talking animations.

I'd like to have a dedicated set of frames on the sheet for the idle animation and another one for the talking animation so we don't have to cycle through the entire thing to get to the mouth movements.

I have been duplicating the open eye frames to make the blinking space out more naturally. But that means that using that start index the character doesn't begin talking until the text has already been written at times. Either that or they blink way too rapidly. It's seems hard to fine tune.

Maybe I missed something in the readme?

Hi there!

No, it does not work like that.

  • Message not writing anything: Start Index to Idle Index
  • The message is writing: Start Index to Talking Index

You just need to create or set up your animations following that logic. If you have a lot of faces to animate, then you need to set the frame speed to a higher value, so the changes can happen fast.

I don't know if I want to change that, or if I would change when that would happen.

Not work for me

Hi there!

You need to give more information. You can't simply say: "Not work for me". And expect to have a solution. You need to tell me what you did and how you did it.

Let's try to figure it out:

  1. Make sure you are using the right plugin version for your RPG Maker.  Plugin names that start with  "EliMZ", are made for RPG Maker MZ. Others are made for MV.
  2. Make sure you are using my core plugin somewhere above it.
  3. To make sure is not plugin compatibility, try on a project with only my two plugins(Core and this one).
  4. If any error pops out of the screen, press F12, go to the CONSOLE tab on the browser, and send me a screenshot of that.

Answer each one of these points and let's see how we can solve this.

Hi, love your plugins! I'm having an odd issue with this one (or it might be a feature that is just an issue with how I'm using it). When I have pauses in the message box like \. the frame rate for the animation goes way down. Is there a way to prevent that from happening?


Hi there!

It is indeed a bug! I will fix that, thanks for the feedback!

Awesome thanks!

Hi there!

I believe the issue is fixed on the new version(5.0.3)!

Thanks for the report! ^^


Thanks I'll check it out!

it doesnt work

(1 edit)

Hi there!

How do you think I can help you if you just say: "it doesn't work"? Let's try to figure this out.

  • Do you are using MV or MZ version?
  • Do you have the Eli Book installed above this plugin?
  • What happens if it doesn't work? An error pops up? If yes, can you send me a screenshot of it?
  • Did you read the help file and manage to set the proper configurations into the plugin parameter?
  • Did you try it in a project full of other plugins? If yes, can you try on a clean project(Onli Eli Book and Animated Faces) ?

Sorry about the sudden confusion! What I mean by it doesn't work is that, it's not animating anything.  I've got everything in the order that it should be, I  tried a brand new project as well. I'm using MZ and everything is up to date.

Hi there!

If you tried on a clean project and it didn't work, then it is probably some configuration you did not make right.

Send me a screenshot of your plugin manager so I can see if you have the right plugin versions. Because one thing is you telling me you have, another thing is for you to show me.

Also, send a screenshot of the plugin parameters from Eli Animated Faces so I can take a look.