Version 2.0.1 - Bug fix!

Version 2.0.1 - 08/02/2024

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes the Info Toast window that has the Message Style to Writing, was not starting the message. Still not sure what was causing this, but it’s fixed.
  • Changed the code for the Info Screen Menu button inside the plugin. Now it is written more like the default menu button.
  • Some minor code changes to make new updates on the next versions.

I also reduced the version number of the plugin. A while ago I didn't know the meaning of the versions, so I mess things up. This is fixed now.


MZ - Info Menu Pro 2.0.1 14 kB
63 days ago

Get Hakuen Studio Info Menu for RPG Maker MZ

Buy Now$15.00 USD or more


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Hi, just got the plugin, but i’m trying to incorporate this into a custom menu, but struggling to figure out what I need to type into script, what exactly should I type? for context, the command is set to “Profiles”

Hi there!

To call the menu via script, you can use:

  • SceneManager.push(Eli.InfoMenu.Scene_MenuInfo)

But if you are looking for the the symbol of the Scene Info Menu command, it is: 'infoMenu'.

Otherwise, I will need a bit more information from you to help you out with this.

Hi, thanks, that solved that issue, The menu is working well now, but now onto another issue, I’m trying to test out getting the info into the info menu, but when I try to interact with the event that would give me said info, it just says that [Cannot read “name” of undefined].

what exactly am I supposed to do?


For me to know what is happening there, I need you to replicate this error, then when it happens, press F12 or F8. A browser window will open, go to the CONSOLE tab, and send me a screenshot of what is in there.


You gave me the Elements Tab. You need to click on the Console tab.