A downloadable RPG Maker Plugin

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You can set specific configurations for the player according to the actor that is the party leader.


You can change some configurations for the player according to the actor that is the party leader:

  • Move Speed
  • Opacity
  • Blend mode
  • Move Frequency
  • Walk Animations
  • Step Animations
  • Direction Fix
  • Through
  • Turn Switches on
  • Play Common Event
  •  Run script calls

How to use

Just set the following note tags on your actor's note(They are case sensitive):

  • <MoveSpeed:number> Default is 4
  • <Opacity:number> Default is 255
  • <BlendMode:number> Default is 0
  • <MoveFrequency:number> Default is 6
  • <StepAnime:true/false> Default is false
  • <WalkAnime:true/false> Default is true
  • <DirFix:true/false> Default is false
  • <Through:true/false> Default is false

  • <LeaderSw:ID> Turn this switch ID on, when this actor is leader.(Off, otherwise)
  • <LeaderScript: script> Run a script call.
  • <LeaderCEvent: ID> Run a common event(Only work on Map or Battle scene).

If you omit a tag, it will take the default value.

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Click download now to get access to the following files:

MZ - Party Map Settings 5.0.0 1.8 kB

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