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(2 edits) (+1)

This plugin is a life saver!

***Ignore everything below, this was fixed in a patch!

But, there is a small issue, and I wonder if there is a fix?

When this plugin is active (the switch is on) it seems that when choices appear, the text that should appear with the choices closes before the choices can even show up.

It's kind of hard to describe, so I made a quick example video on a fresh project:

quick screenshot too:

Is there anyway to keep the text message onscreen with the choices? T-T

(1 edit)

Hi there!

Fixed! Check out the new version 1.3.0!

I just saw the code and I believe I found the problem. The thing is, my plugin changes the event list, by inserting a common event command, after the text commands. And that is what is breaking.

Because by default, RPG Maker understands that if there is a choice command right after the text command, then it should keep the window open. Otherwise, close it.

I will see what I can do to fix this, and let you know! Thanks for the video by the way, it was really helpful :)


You are a genius!! :D

im confuse with the variables part, can you help me? what do i need to do with variables?


Cannot read property 'createParameters' of undefined

im receiving this error

Hi there!

The variable's value will determine the event ID that will play when opening/closing the message window.

If the chosen variable on the "Open Common Event Id" has a value of 3. Then, when the message window is opening, the common event that will play is the one with ID 3.

The same applies to the Close Common Event Id.

The error is throwing because you need to have the Eli Book(my core plugin) installed on your plugin manager(and above all my plugins).

(2 edits)

Right, I installed Eli_Book, and the error stopped, I created the variables ID 28 and 29 (open, close) and the common events ID 28 and 29, I created a test switch in a map, when I activate it and test, nothing happens , my understanding is compromised due to my main language not being English, maybe I'm interpreting the explanation wrong, I also don't know where to put values in the variable       

Opa! Então vamos falar em português! :D

Eu acho que você entendeu que os IDS das variáveis devem ser igual ao ID dos eventos comuns. E não é esse o caso.

O que vai determinar qual evento comum vai tocar, é o valor dessas variáveis.

Então por exemplo, você escolheu as variáveis de ID 28 e 29. Se você quiser executar o evento comum de ID 5 quando abrir a caixa de mensagens, você deve atribuir o valor 5 a sua variável 28.

No exemplo acima, eu escolhi a variável de ID 37 para quando a mensagem abrir. E a variável de ID 38, para quando a mensagem fechar.

A variável 37, eu atribuí o valor de 8. Significa, que o evento comum a ser executado, quando a mensagem abrir, será o de ID 8. A mesma lógica para a outra variável.

E depois eu ativei a switch, para "fazer o plugin funcionar".

Consegui explicar bem agora? xD

Olá, eu consegui graças a você, muito obrigado, esse plugin é ótimo!

Beleza! Se divirta :)

Very useful plugin as always, however there is a small error in the @desc of the 2.0.0 version :

@desc If this switch is on, the plugin will not add the common event.

It actually enable the common event when the switch is on! 

Hey! Thank you!

I fixed that! ^^