A downloadable RPG Maker Plugin

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For those who use custom graphics, using black fade-out/in can be a problem.
This plugin will solve this inconvenience!


• Change the fade-out/in colors when transferring the map.
• Change the duration of the fade-out/in when transfer map.

How to use

Configure the plugin parameters to define a default color for the fade and duration when performing the map transfer.

● Fade for map transfer

You can define a color for the fade transfer on each map, through the note field.

<FadeColor: myColor> *It is case sensitive!

You can use RGB, hex, or Html colors:
<FadeColor: 0,30,85> (RGB)
<FadeColor: #ffffff> (HEX)
<FadeColor: red> (HTML)

So, if you set up a color "blue" for map 1, when you perform a transfer, if the next map doesn't have a note tag for the color, it will stay always blue (until the player goes to a map that has another fade color note tag).

● Fade plugin command

You can also use colorful fades in/out in the event via plugin commands.
There, you can always customize a different color and duration if you want.
If you leave it blank, it will take the default color and duration in plugin parameters. But the only reason I see for using that is if you want to cover pictures on the screen because the tint screen does not cover them.

Note: This does not work like the default fade-out/in from the event commands. If you change the scene while faded out when you return back the fade will be gone.

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MZ - Fade Colors 5.0.1 2.1 kB

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