A downloadable RPG Maker Plugin

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If you ever felt that you need more than 8 parameters, that the default 
parameters are not enough, so that is your chance!
This plugin lets you add as many new parameters as you want!


  • Add new custom parameters to actors and enemies!
  • Manipulate these parameters with note tags and script calls!
  • Add buffs, debuffs, and grow effect to these parameters!

How to use


Go to the plugin parameter "New parameters" and add as many parameters as you want.

  • ShortName → This will be the one that you will use to reference script calls and note tags.
  • FullName → This will be the full name of the parameters. That can appear on battle log etc.
  • HP/MP/TP type → That will decide if the parameter will work like HP/MP/TP.

After that, you can choose the buff and Debuff icon range for these parameters.

They work exactly like the default ones. They will get an icon in the icon sheet and will follow a range.
With the exception that the range must follow how many custom parameters you have added.
The default works like that:
You have 8 default parameters: hp, mp, atk... etc.
The buff icons for these parameters go from the icon index 32 to 48.
This means the index 32 will be the Hp Buff level 1,
33 Hp buff level 2. And so on.

The same for Debuff, which takes the icon index 48 to 62.

  • 48 Hp Debuff level 1
  • 49 Hp Debuff level 2. 

So you have to follow the same logic for the Buff and Debuff icon for these new parameters.


You can use the following note tags on the item and skill note fields to add effects to the new parameters:

  • <AddCBuff: paramId/shortName:turns >
  • <RemoveCBuff: paramId/shortName >
  • <AddCDebuff: paramId/shortName:turns >
  • <RemoveCDebuff: paramId/shortName >
  • <GrowC:paramId/shortName:value >

If you want to add more than one parameter, separate each one with a comma ",".
To add new parameter changes for the equipment and class, you can use the following note tag on the weapon, armor, or class note fields:

<cparams: paramId/shortName:value, paramId/shortName:value>


You can either use the paramId or the shortName of the new parameters. 
The id will start at 0. This means that the new parameter id 0 will be the first one you have created.
<cparams: crm:23, 1:37> → Will add 23 to the crm parameter, and 37 for the new parameter id 1.

Optionally, you can also use the plugin parameter templates for that:

  • <CParams: TemplateName>

For both ways, if you don't set a specific parameter, it will be equal to 0.

         ***ATTENTION! All notes are case sensitive!***


You can use them with actors or enemies:
$gameActors.actor(ID).[script call]
$gameParty.members()[index].[script call]
$gameTroop.members()[index].[script call]

.addCParam(paramId, value)


  • $gameParty.members()[0].cparam(0) → Will return the value of the first Custom Parameter.

You can also reference them using the object name directly, which is the short name:

  • $gameParty.members()[0].crm → Will return the crm(charm) value

For those parameters that work like HP/MP/TP, you will reference the current value of them with the script calls above.

But to get the max value, you can use the prefix "max" before the shortname:

  • $gameParty.members()[0].maxlp → Will return the max lp value

To change parameter value, like changing the hp and not the mhp, you can use the following:

  • $gameParty.members()[0].changeCustomHpParam(paramId/shortName, value)

To set a value, you can use the below:

  • $gameParty.members()[0].setCustomHpParam(paramId/shortName, value)

NOTE¹: The recover all event command will also recover the custom parameters that are HP-like.
NOTE²: If you are using MZ, you can use the plugin commands.

Terms of use

Sample Project

Updated 21 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
AuthorHakuen Studio
Made withRPG Maker
Tagseliaquim, hakuen-studio, plugin, rmmv, rmmz, RPG Maker


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MZ - Custom Parameters 5.0.2 7.5 kB

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